“Keep Your Hands Busy!”

She agreed to do this video “so you may be inspired to seek Him for all the days of your life, too.”

I have learned this and so much more from this angel, who also is one of my closest friends. If you have ever attended a bible study or event, you know that I am an advocate for “keeping your hands busy” and being a “tent-maker”.

She. Is. Why.

I am forever thankful for the Celebrate Media Group for honoring my sweet friend with an interview that gives you a glimpse at her sweet spirit and her heart for God. She agreed to do this video “so you may be inspired to seek Him for all the days of your life, too.”

I hope you have someone in your life like her, and if you don’t – I hope that I can encourage you as she has encouraged me. I hope that I can pray with (and for) you in your times of need just as this mighty woman of God has prayed for (and with) me for many, many years.

I honor God (and her legacy) by following in her footsteps. I pray that I can be half the woman I have witnessed this true Proverbs 31 Woman to be.

Celebrate Media Group: Lifting spirits. Uniting communities.

She is still doing well and can pretty much run circles around any one of us!

If her story inspired you, send me a message and I will pass it on to her!